Corinium Museum Ticket Portal

Roman Swords & Shields

During this workshop you will create a Roman shield and sword so that you feel as ready as a real Roman soldier to venture into the world to do battle. This creative workshop is inspired by archaeology from the Roman fort and from tombstones of Roman cavalrymen. Make your equipment and take it home after you have made it all in this creative workshop.

Suitable for ages 6 and above

Ticket options

  • Child
    0 10 max
  • Member
    0 10 max
Roman Swords & Shields

During this workshop you will create a Roman shield and sword so that you feel as ready as a real Roman soldier to venture into the world to do battle. This creative workshop is inspired by archaeology from the Roman fort and from tombstones of Roman cavalrymen. Make your equipment and take it home after you have made it all in this creative workshop.

Suitable for ages 6 and above

0 items selected
